Fortress Connected

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Fortress Connected
Current Status Active
Latest Version Main Branch: 013125.1D
Dev Branch: 020925.2D
Project Lead(s) Vvis

Fortress Connected is a Team Fortress 2 sourcemod based on Lambda Fortress: Extended. It began life as a custom weapon pack for LFE, before turning into a fork designed to fix various issues with LFE (in the form of Lambda Fortress: Community Edition). Eventually, due to a shift in priorities within the project (going from just a continuation of LFE to something more akin to a crossover PVP game) it was renamed to Fortress Connected.



This mod features the original nine Team Fortress 2 mercenary classes, alongside the following custom classes:

  • Telecon (from Fortress Obscura)
  • Mercenary (from Open Fortress)
  • Jerry the Antlion (an Antlion from Half-Life 2)
  • Enforcer (a Zombine from Half-Life 2)
  • John Freeman (based on the character from Full-Life Consequences)
  • Saxton Hale
  • Repressor
  • Civilian (from Team Fortress 2 Classic)


Fortress Connected contains support for most Team Fortress 2 maps, as well as shipping with modified versions of the Half-Life 2 campaign (+ its episodes), the Half-Life campaign, and a couple of Left 4 Dead maps that are unfinished.


[Most of this will be put in another page.]

Team Fortress 2
Left 4 Dead

The current Left 4 Dead maps in the files are modified versions of the first two maps in the No Mercy campaign, as well as a few extra test maps:

  • fc_l4d_hospital01_apartment
  • fc_l4d_hospital02_subway
  • fc_l4d_test
  • brick01 - A direct port of Vvis' "Brick: Source" map.
  • fc_xdevtest - A small map for testing specifically health and ammo pickups.
  • fc_devtest - A small map for primarily testing weapon interactions


[This will be moved to another page.]



Old logo(s)